Thursday, August 23, 2007


30 hours in labor. 10 fingers. 10 toes. (haha) 2 aunts. 2 uncles. 4 grandparents. 2 happy parents. 1 baby boy.

More details and pics to follow...i promise.


Silly Acorn said...

WELCOME, BABY MATEYO!!! Hooray, what a lovely photo of Cindy and Mateyo. I hope you meant, "10 fingers. 10 toes." Sending you three lots of love from the Bay Area.

lakandiwa de leon said...

woops..youre right. 10 fingers 10 toes. i must have been really burnt out when i wrote that. haven't got much sleep yet! thanks for the love Olivia, Angie and RickY!! we'll play soon.