It began in a small shack near the famous Mount Makiling. Cynthia, a beautiful woman with olive skin and dark, flowing black hair, lay fast asleep on a warm and humid night. A tropical storm quietly rolled in from the east, as the huge narra tree outside her window swayed softly in the evening breeze accompanied by the crickets and birds chirping about. The rain was falling. This was nothing new in her town, as the rain tickled the branches and leaves that surrounded her humble home and gave breath to all life there.
Cynthia was born and raised in the nearby town of Los Banos where her husband now worked from time to time. Her days were usually spent tending their homegrown sari-sari store downstairs, selling candies and drinks to people passing through. She would also occasionally visit neighbors in the area if they needed help, as she was what they called an "albularyo" or "hilot". Her knowledge of native medicines was well known, and she was often called upon to calm a fever, or dispatch of strange ailments. It was a simple life, but one that contented her.
Her dreams were always vivid. On this night, her visions were the strongest ever, as she imagined herself floating through what felt like a dense jungle shrouded in a fog. Despite the haze, all the trees seemed happy. The leaves were bright and glowing with the playful kiss of sunlight and a light breeze beckoned her to walk further into the jungle. She heard a voice call to her from high up in the tree canopy. The voice was deep and echoed wildly through the jungle. She was comforted by it like the sound of her grandmother singing her lullabies as a little girl. It whispered softly to her.
"This is my gift to you..."
At that instant she awoke to the rumblings of thunder overhead. Her eyes peered outside her window to the narra tree, dark and gallant. Suddenly, a large crash came down and shook the foundations of her shack. This was followed by a large flash and the smell of burning leaves rushing into her room. She was momentarily dazed.
Cynthia walked to her window and looked to see what had happened. The narra tree had been split in half, the ends of the branches burning from what appeared to be a bolt of lightning. She was frightened, and looked to see if her husband had returned from his job in the city. He had yet to arrive. Luckily it had not harmed anyone.
She looked at the tree and mourned it. And tears flowed from her eyes.
At that same moment a wrenching pain grabbed at her. It came from her belly and she fell to her knees clutching from the pain. As the agony escalated, the vision of the fallen tree came to her mind and she fell into a deep and healing sleep.
Echoing through the jungle, the voice spoke.
"...my gift...to you...."
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