First of all, I'd like to thank God, because without Him none of this would be possible. A little shout out should go out to my homie Meiosis as well...you've made me into the multi-cellular fetus that I am today. I seriously wouldn't be standing...ahem...balled up here in my mother's womb today without your continued support, so thank you.
As for all my adoring fans out there, I must say, its been a trying nine months filled with newfound wonders, strange sounds, weird liquids, and hormonal struggle. Through it all, I've tried to maintain my focus and keep my "eye on the prize" if you will. The dream, as it were, to be born.
Alhough it remains common knowledge that a baby's journey is fraught with struggle and adversity, I will reference none of those "inconveniences" today. What I'd like to bring light to is the "why" I'm being born, as opposed to the "how". It is precisely this question of "why" that occupies most of my thoughts, as I ponder in my snug little womb.
The world, as we know...is chaotic, filled with evils I have yet to encounter, carcinogens and toxins that will affect me as soon as I take my first breath (LA in the house). I worry about global warming like the rest of you, I mean, try going through your third trimester in July and tell me its a myth. I worry everyday about the children of the world. A wise woman once said, "I believe the children are the future. We must teach them well...and....let them....lead the way." Amen to that.
I will say one thing though. I am looking forward to meeting my parents and my beautiful mother, whom I know from the lovely confines of my present home, to be a wonderful person both inside and out. My father, stricken by a serious case of nesting instinct doesn't realize he'll have to buy all new stuff in six months, but he means well. And as for my best buddy, Marley, I can't wait to clean up your poop, man. As for the rest of my friends and family, be patient, and hope for my safe transition into this humble little world we like to call Burbank.
Now as for the question...."why?"...well... I can't stay in this womb forever....duh!
peace out..head out,
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