Monday, May 14, 2007

just kickin' it...

Cindy is about 23 weeks into the pregnancy this week, and little Mateo (our current name for the baby) is starting to get his Bruce Lee on. Apparently, whenever Cindy is feeling hungry, so does Mateo and he begins a series of kicks and punches to her gut to let her know he means business. Just kidding, he's not violent at all, but he likes to let her know he's around.

Unfortunately, I hadn't felt any of these kicks for myself until yesterday. It felt like a little finger poking into the middle of your hand, very subtle but noticeable for sure. Made me jump back and kick myself. Very cool stuff.

Today, Cin said she was playing some Planet Rock in the ride and Mateo was getting his kick on something furious. Then she switched it out to some cool out Miles Davis and he went straight to sleep. Cindy thinks he's gonna be a breakdancer when he gets grown.

that's it for now. oh, to artest in LA and Go Warriors...I BELIEVE!


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