Ever since I was a kid, I loved to doodle. Not doody, but doodle. Grab any sheet of clean paper, or junk mail envelope, or important math test, and doodle. One of the items that I always consistently doodled was...a tree.
I'd try everything to make my tree look real. Most people don't realize that there is a mathematic algorithm that determines the placement of branches on a tree, called the fibonacci sequence, which is a patterned set of numbers that exist all throughout nature. It is why every leaf gets enough sun for the tree to survive, or why waves curl as they crash onto shore, as well as determining the spiral of a seashell. As a kid I didn't even know what fibonacci sequences were, but I could sense that there was a pattern there and I was gonna figure it out, like that crazy dude from the movie PI. Get my drill!!!! arrrghh!
I'd try branches here, a leaf there, maybe more bushy in the leaves..no, maybe wispy like in winter time. There are many trees that are in my hall of fame of Lakan's "best drawn trees", and the one I painted in Mateo's room ranks up there. Probably top-5, definitely not better than the one I drew during a two-hour Calculus lecture at UCLA. I think I was inspired then. But, Mateo's tree is definitely #1 because of what it means. Getting grown, a giving tree, a moment in time, and an expression of love for my son. Anyways...mushy stuff aside, don't the drips make it look like a fat burner on the subway?
haha. peace.