Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Comedy Stylings of Mateyo Dayaw

Pick me up puhhleeese?!?

Pardon me, I didn't catch that...oh, yeah...I know I'm handsome (...and humble).

What you lookin' at...never seen a baby before or sumthin?!?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Laaakers Basketball!!!

Mateyo is ready, are you?!? Go Lakers!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I...just wanna rock n roll!

Save yourself...duckie...waters of change are coming! Rock on, duckie, Rock on!

(what do you think he's saying? send us a caption)

Friday, May 16, 2008

the joy of youth

Mateyo is closing in on 9 months next week. A great number by the way. He is healthy, happy, and increasingly noisy. We've made out some words like "mama" or "yoya" (lola), but mostly he is singing Bob Marley tunes, intelligible, but definitely influenced by the rasta.

We just assembled the walker that we got from his baby shower and he's starting to be mobile, which means he must be watched at all times. Caught him climbing up out of his co-sleeper crib the other day, so his curiousity/adaption streak is in full swing. It's like the Borg, once he's adapted, everything changes.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

We had a great mother's day as the families got together for some grubbin'.  The vibe was happy, despite the brutal Lakers loss!  Check out all the fun here.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Make a Baby Romper from a T Shirt

Finally, something useful for the new parents out there trying to save money. How to make a cool baby romper out of your old "phillies blunt" t-shirts. All you need now is a copy of "many clouds of smoke" in xylophone rendition and you are all set.


Indian Baby Dropping Ritual

This is both Amazing and Terrifying! Get ready Mateyo!


Apr 30 - Muslims in western India have been observing a bizarre ritual - they've been throwing their young children off a tall building to improve their health.

The faithful have been observing the ritual at a shrine in Solapur, in western India's Maharastra, for more than five hundred years.

They believe it will make their children strong and say no accidents have ever happened.

Sonia Legg reports.